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Google Search Console is an important tool in the field of digital marketing. It provides valuable insights and data that can help marketers optimize their websites, improve search visibility, and enhance overall marketing strategies. It provides valuable insights into how Google’s search engine sees and interacts with your site. We need to optimize the website with Google Search Console for better SEO results. Fixing Google Search Console errors is important for the overall health and performance of your website.

Common Google Search Console errors and its fixes 

Sitemaps errors and their fixes 

Sitemaps are an important aspect of SEO and can significantly impact how search engines index and rank your website’s pages. If you’re encountering sitemap errors in Google Search Console or other search engine tools, it’s crucial to address them to ensure proper indexing and visibility. Here are common sitemap errors and their potential fixes:

Error: Google Search Console reports that your sitemap is not found or accessible.

Double-check the URL of your sitemap and make sure it’s correctly specified in your robots.txt file.

Ensure that your sitemap is accessible by directly entering its URL into a browser.
Default path will be : www.example.com/sitemap.xml

Verify that your sitemap is uploaded to the correct directory on your web server.
Try to resubmit the sitemaps using Google Search Console. 

Error:  The sitemap is not in the correct XML format or structure.
Make sure your sitemap follows the XML format rules. Each URL entry should have the <loc> tag and other required tags, if applicable.
Use XML validation tools to check the correctness of your sitemap’s structure.

Error: Some or all of your important URLs are missing from the sitemap.

Review the sitemap generation process to ensure that all relevant URLs are included.
Manually add URLs that are missing in your sitemap.

Error: Duplicate URLs are present in the sitemap.

Remove duplicate URLs from your sitemap.

If duplicate URLs exist on your website, consider implementing canonical tags to consolidate duplicate content.

Error: Some URLs in your sitemap are showing errors, such as 404 (Not Found) or 500 (Internal Server Error).


Correct the errors on the URLs themselves. Fix broken links or resolve server errors.
Update the sitemap to include the corrected URLs.

Error: Your sitemap is too large, exceeding the recommended size limit.

If you have a large website, consider breaking down your sitemap into smaller sitemaps (e.g., by category or section).

  • Prioritize including the most important and frequently updated URLs in the sitemap.

Error: Your sitemap is not linked properly from your website’s pages.


  • Include a reference to your sitemap in your website’s robots.txt file.
  • Create a sitemap index file if you have multiple sitemaps.

Error: Your sitemap hasn’t been updated recently.


Regularly update your sitemap to reflect changes on your website.
Use automated tools or plugins to generate and update your sitemap whenever new content is added.

Check out our brief sitemap errors fix articles here,